Jacque Mular
Shut It
We can’t even begin to say how grateful we are to have Jacque as a guiding force on our nutritional team. A bit of a unicorn in the eating disorder world, she holds the distinction of being not only a licensed therapist but also a registered dietitian.
She has devoted the last 25 plus years of her career to the field of eating disorders and debunking diet culture, helping people reconnect with life and move forward, away from a life dictated by food and societal pressures.
While she is genuinely humble and by no means a bragger, Jacque holds great pride that her journey includes working alongside leaders in the profession of eating disorders, learning from and training with the best of the best.
Jacque brings humor and relatability, energy and compassion to all her clients in her practice. She attributes much of the happiness in her personal life to the fulfillment she has professionally. “When you have a job you love, you don’t ever feel like it’s work.” When you’re happy in your chosen profession, it ripples across all areas of your life.
She views her homelife like an episode of Animal Planet meets America’s Funniest Home Videos. Shenanigans happen frequently. “I’m comfortable with controlled chaos and just maybe that’s why I love working in treatment so much.”
The perfect Saturday for Jacque includes hanging with family and friends and four legged furry friends on the lake on a lazy summer afternoon in Montana. Best day ever includes Music. Laughter. Food. Friends.
“I am definitely an awkward, slightly neurotic soul with a huge heart and an even bigger laugh.”