Christianne (Chris) is an artist, art therapist, scientist, and former president of the American Art Therapy Association (though Nov 2019). She holds a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from Vermont College of Norwich University in Montpelier, Vermont, and a Doctorate in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is a also a Certified Eating Disorder Creative Arts Therapist Specialist and Supervisor (CEDCAT-S).

Chris has more than 30 years of experience working with a wide variety of people, yet her primary professional focus is the treatment of eating disorders and sexual abuse. She was the Art Therapist for nearly five years at The Renfrew Center in Florida, an internationally respected residential eating-disorder treatment facility.

She is an accomplished speaker, giving talks and hosting workshops on the power of art therapy in work with body image and neuroscience. She has multiple publications and participates as an author and editor for books and journals in her feild.

Chris believes in the potential of each and every one – that we’re all capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for. She works with clients to develop a safe, creative space in which they can explore and grow those unchartered capabilities and feel without fear.

Growth is constantly occurring throughout the flourishing gardens of Chris’ home. Inside her home is a clan of dogs that “flunked out of obedience school” and several works of art underway.

Art therapy is about giving someone the chance to express things for which there are no words.
I love seeing people connect with their creativity and realize that they have strengths they didn’t know about.
— Chris